Deep Waters

A New Creation

Kenneth Shelton Season 13 Episode 35

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This message is based on a portion of my new book titled, “A New Creation” soon to be published. Let’s foundation this:

2 Cor 5:17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

What in all of everything wasn’t finished by the Word, the pre-Jesus of our earth? You, but, and well I won’t go into the fact that all of what we see happening here on earth has, well, already happened in eternity. It more or less started and ended before it began in time. You can read 1 Peter 1:20 for some light revelation regarding that, but for the sake of getting too squirrely on these wet roads, I must get back to the main subject which is that you are a new creation so stop acting like the old created you. What Ken, sharp out the gate? Ha, but hey were friends now right? Remember all of my messages are designed and intended to bring about change. You see you would think that humans think change is some kind of a disease based on our reaction to it when it is that time to do exactly that. Me included. I had my whole life mapped out in my 20’s. Yup, I was going to work at Sierra Pacific Lumber company my whole life and then retire with a 401k and social security. I was going to continue to build show and race VW’s and becoming a small time parts distributor for these lil bugs. Yup, and I was going to be an Oakland A’s and Raiders fan and watch all of their games until I up and died in my retirement chair. All planned out. Oh how small my plan was when after getting saved and looking back over 40-years of life how Gods plan was completely different for my life. 

When, and I may be getting ahead of myself, but that’s ok as long as I get it in the message, when I became a new creation, all and I mean all, of my plans dissolved over time and I became all together something else. I cannot say this emphatically enough. Every bit of what I thought I would become which really wasn’t much was being erased from my plans for my life absent of God. No my personality and talents remained intact and immature, they were illuminated to me to be a key factor in how I would move forward in life and eventually being prepared to be used more strategically for His, not my, but for His purposes. It was the great exchange whereby I surrendered my very small oh so very small life for His life in me and for me. Oh the greatest exchange to have ever taken place. No like we dream and conjure up these ideas like what if I were a super-hero? What super powers would I have? And yet right standing outside the door of your mind and heart is He the One that gave us the ability to even think about super-heroes. And but if He were invited in, you could in ministry when you are ready, called and matured for it can pray for healing or a miracle, sign, and/or a wonder and it would happen. Imagine Moses touched the shores of a sea and the water folded back on itself until a dry path wide enough for 5000 people arm and arm to cross over at the same time until all of the millions made it to the other side. If that is not super-hero stuff in your mind, you might need to go to a Rodney Howard Brown service and in doing so you will become befuddled at the work of God in humanity.