Deep Waters

Coming Up Short

Kenneth Shelton Season 14 Episode 12

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This is a sporty shorty and but still is intended to help those who even today with all of our medical advances, still walk around spiritually blind thinking that they are in with Jesus. Ha, show me a Doctor who can cure spiritual blindness and I will show you an authentic born-again believer preaching the gospel in power, yes the power of God.

 How you measure what you are assessing determines the outcome of what you think about what you are assessing. 

 Another way to see this is to know that you are wrong about what you think about other humans way more than you know. And when you look at them through a judging lens, the distortion of your opinion can be blinding to your own self. 

 James 4:11 - Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.

 Judging another because they do not meet your idea or standard of how they should live, only exacerbates your spiritual blindness. The Pharisees struggled with this all of the time. It is the same spirit. And lo if you are back-slidden or have walked away from God, and not ready to come back home oh ye prodigal, then you can be prone and susceptible to supporting your weakened spiritual position by criticizing others who are not back-sliding or who have walked away from God. And refusing their help is ant- God. He joined us together so that we would find help in our time of trouble.