Deep Waters

Pay Attention Non-believer God May Be Using You

Kenneth Shelton Season 14 Episode 20

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What the Peter, James, and John are you saying Ken? Ha, this one came to me as I was opening up our gate at work. Now I had just started on my top-10 Christian questions and but while I was steppin’ to the gate bam. And but what I like about such messages is that it fly’s in the face of religion, not the Jesus religion, but the man-made up stuff religion including some who call themselves Christians. Oh, but I am not addressing those types in this message, and but notice I didn’t say the non-believer types, but I am referring to those who may be Christianity deceived and have glommed onto a falsy religion or even participate in a Laodicean church of which as I have already stated, and but many others too, that we are in this very church age. The Luke-warmers, and now I am not picking on the spiritually ignorant when I say this stuff, but for whatever reason it would seem like it takes a hard stroke to make a point, especially if the nail is already set it its own way. Can I get a translation Ken? What I am saying is that religious people are a very difficult bunch to teach anything new to because they don’t like being wrong or changing very much off of what they already believe (Luke 5:36-39). They are not hard to spot, and now don’t go lookin’ for them either, but if you catch the movie The Fighting Temptations you will see them and/or hear them. I will let you decide who is who. 

So but I am talking about those in whom the Lord is calling but have yet to respond with a yes and an amen. Now before I prove my point and it’s a good one which is why I am saving it for the great reveal at the end of this thing, I will demonstrate the workings of some of these peeps and you can let me know if you think that they have the fruit of the spirit, the miracles, signs, and wonders, following, the calling and approval of God marked all over them. Yes you can let me know if we even have such a Christian today as they were before they, yes they even got saved. Oh, I let a paw out the bag, but not the whole cat.