Deep Waters

One God

Kenneth Shelton Season 14 Episode 27

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Welcome to my fourth topic of ten which is titled Is God a Trinity or One God? And but you should know why I am doing a message on this topic which is that, well in part it is because too many people base their opinions and allow their emotions to determine that if someone believes in any other thinking on this subject other than what the majority thinks, well then they must is a non-Christian or even cultic or a heathen, and that the person has lost their spiritual mind if they ever did have one. But these responses are non-biblical and considered so especially when the one who is teaching what they believe to be the truth is open to bible supported correction or at least a cordial discussion on such a topic. And now but besides this mess, we need to ask ourselves if we in fact are really students of the bible. What I mean is that well it is better stated in Proverbs:

Pro 25:2 - It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.


2 Tim 2:15 - Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Now if you do not believe that the Lord is King of kings (Rev 17:14) then perhaps you are one of those who deselect portions of the bible to suit your needs. Ha no worries we can all fall into this trap. No see what I am really saying is that you really just want to be the Christian that you think you should be and, want others to see, and not the Christian Jesus has assigned you to be. Ouch? 

It is better to know now that perhaps bible policing is not a spiritual gift over and above loving one another (John 13:34-35) or growing in the character of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22-26). I speak in such language because I used to be a bible police and I eventually found out that the Holy Spirit does a better job at keeping us lined up if we in fact let Him. So, I have no interest in lining you up but just presenting a position for you to contemplate. Perhaps in my naivety I think that all Christians are open to discussing all things bible even if we don’t agree.