Deep Waters

The Laodicean Church Age

Kenneth Shelton Season 15 Episode 1

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We know that James states to be hearers and doers (James 1:22), and well the entire bible is based on an active Christianity, and unfortunately many, many, many take that to mean church attendance. Fact! The building may be called a church but is, in fact, not the church by biblical definition. You are the church, so going to an address does not address your Christianity in the fullness of what Jesus intended, based on His revelation in the book of Revelation chapter 3. My friends we must relearn what it is to be a Christian for these days least we be drug away by the sweet words of the false prophets and teachers who have every intend to magic you away from the reality of Gods purpose for your life (2 Peter 2:1-3, Matt 24:24).

2 Tim 4:3 - For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;

Listen to me the time is now and has been. Unsound doctrine is the sweet meal of the day and it sits on the religious menu right next to the Cinnabon and filet mignon ha.