Deep Waters

Stop With The Excuses & Lies

Kenneth Shelton Season 15 Episode 2

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Welcome to my 7th topic of ten which is titled, “Stop With The Excuses & Lies”. And but you should know why I am doing a message on this topic and that is because I feel like so many of us including me, have a quiver full of excuses for why we initially respond to God requests with a strange series of statements like, “ God is that You”, or “what’s going on”, or “hey did you hear that”, or “That wasn’t God” or “we go to binding the devil” or we just ignore the voice of instruction and try to go on about our way. Now the other lane of institutional prepackaged vocals is to come up with excuses as to why, the God who created everything, cannot work through us to get His instruction to us accomplished.

Oh, I know you want an example out of the bible and so well I will give you one, in fact I will give you the one that motivated me to do this message in the first place. 

So, I discovered a Moses journey that is actually quite funny with the exception that he really at some point in time, really irritated God to the point that he needed help to escape death. Yes, and this was even before he went to Egypt to tell pharaoh to let the people go. With all of the Christian excuses we have today regarding God asking us to do stuff, aren’t you glad He is not, at least right now, in the snuffing business? The unfortunate part of the affair is that you end up wasting your Christan life by not entering into your calling and purpose He has written on your very heart. You will need to read your bible and press into God so that you can find out your purpose and spiritual life calling, be ready to be clipped and snipped.