Deep Waters

If You Only Knew!

Kenneth Shelton Season 13 Episode 17

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This is a shoutout to one of my listeners who has asked a special request – I hear she goes by the street name Security Sue and she has asked a message of me that might speak to some things that she is seeing and hearing when chatting with this and that. I say this and that because sticks and stones may break my bones, but names she never gave me. Now I am in a position these days, for the moment, whereby I can take special requests as long as they line up with the heart of this ministry. You can text me or email me if you would like to hear about a specific subject or would like some clarification on a subject already taught. As I have taught already from Matt’s book let’s go there again shall we. 

 Matt 13:19“When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is he who received seed by the wayside.

 It is vitally important to know and understand what you are learning and apply it, least you get a visitor, who will carry out one of his purposes which is to keep you God stupid. Is this not, how we continue to break off, into this and that denomination or non-denominational, eventually to become a Laodicean church entity? Yes it is. Somehow, we get “just God stupid enough” to actually believe that, it is in the plan of God, to divide His bride, and to send her throughout all the land. 

 Oh, what a mistake we have made to think we entirely know the mind and will of God, so much so, that we believe we and we alone have our boney finger on the pulse of God. The methodist, Calvinist, denominationalists, independent-ists, Ima-not-havin-ists, ha…enough!