Deep Waters

Statistical Anomalies

Kenneth Shelton Season 13 Episode 20

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I like statistics because it proves men both liars and truth-tellers. If you are one that uses “Always” and “Never” in sentences other than when speaking to God or about the devil then you may be a liar, or to soften it up a bit, one who exaggerates to defend a usually very week position. I mean if your position was strong you would not have to use such verbiage right? Ha but this is not about lying or telling the truth. Nope, it is about how data helps us to make informed decisions as Christians. You can be for something or against it until you see the numbers and then they can perhaps keep you from making that unintelligent and highly emotional bad decision. Yup I have done this plenty to the point that I could be considered an expert in bad decision making at one point in my life. 

 You see I was one of those who overheard a data-ignorant person say something to the effect that statistics can be manipulated and therefore should not be trusted. Psshhh like dah right? I mean anything can be done this sort of way. Doesn’t the bible say that the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one? (1 John 5:19) And if that is true and it is then is it not also true that the devil is the father of lies (John 8:44) and if he is the father of lies then he also has kidletts who also lie like him (1 John 3:8-10)? And cannot it be said if I give you the scripture references to these things that I say then they are as good as statistically supported as they can be? Oh shoe drop…no wait wrong thing, Mic drop, well mic swing ha just havin’ fun this morning. But that was good right? Scripture is as good as statistical data that is 100% accurate.