Deep Waters

Kingdom Versus Priesthood

Kenneth Shelton Season 14 Episode 16

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Ok so first things first, this morning Feb 09 2024 I did an interview with which is an audio to video conversion company. I wasn’t interviewing but providing feedback as to my thoughts on using their platform. They, in essence wanted feedback on their product. Now how nice of a world would it be, if every company actually wanted to know if they were 1) providing a product that the public wanted and doing it well, 2) seeking input from the end user on its effectiveness, and userability and 3) asking if they could make it better for you and future users. Five stars to Jeff and that company to involve their customers in product improvement and userability, both of which included very little input because they do what they do so well. And yes I made userability one word. Ha, but what I am trying to say is that by them reaching out, it took them to the next level. 

Most companies do not do this because they do not care. No, it’s not that they do not have the time or resources, but that they don’t want to hear what you think. And this may be that they might think that the feedback you would give would be negative or maybe even counter productive in terms of what they are trying to sell. Hey company peeps, any feedback is useful if it can help you to get to the point where you are operating in excellence. And I think that your audience, the end user, is way more informed about your product than even you are at times. You know that this is true if you have never sought out input from the people who pay you to make a living. Yes I am being hard but helpful. If you want to succeed then tap into your untapped into resource, and often times it is a free resource, to measure your effectiveness. And no, don’t just trust in auto data, A.I., to inform you of your effectiveness. Listen, drug dealers, if you were to measure your effectiveness by money piles alone, would exceed any and all of your marketing strategies that you pay top dollar for, if you in fact used money piles alone to determine success. They spend no money on marketing and smoke you in how much money is left on the table. And that right there my friends is the key. It is not how much money you make but how much you leave on the table. It is in fact how much you could have made but didn’t that makes the difference.