Deep Waters

The Antichristianization Of A Nation

Kenneth Shelton Season 15 Episode 16

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This message is based on my reading of many books including but not limited to, and my most recent read, The Dragon’s Prophesy written by Jonathan Cahn. I have also read others that also touch on the end times which scripturally includes and will include within the books of the bible Daniel, Ezekiel, Matthew, and the book of Revelation. Some of those must read books along with their authors are as follows. And well if you are asking yourself why I just don’t tell you what the books are about it is because I want to avoid skewing the data so to speak. It’s the end of days and near to when Jesus will be coming back for His Gentile church before ruling and reigning on earth for a 1000-years. The final one thousand of the 7000-thousand years that the earth plan will be in existence. I get this from some of these books that I have read as well as knowing and believing that the number 7 represents completion. And but besides all of this, what else is more important than knowing we are so very near to the end? I mean in the event you may have been one of those who have just sat on the sidelines in your church not really making much if any contribution to the work of the church or to Jesus, now would be a good time to build that supernatural resume. 

The book list is long and you can blame that on God because it was He that gave me the appetite to read. For over 20-yrs I did not know I was called to be a teacher as described in these three scriptures, the first two are the assignment, but the last one is a warning of caution:

Eph 4:11 - 11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 

These are known as the offices that Jesus places His people into so that the church can function as she ought, not as she is for the most part but as she ought. You can read the book of Acts to see what the church should look like and who is really building it. 

1 Cor 12:28 - And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.