Deep Waters

More Than A Conqueror

Kenneth Shelton Season 15 Episode 17

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OK so let’s go into the scripture that eventually leads us into the, “more than a conqueror” claim, and yes line-by-line because it will be important for us to understand why you may not be operating at the best version level of yourself. Yes, this is the true and real point of this message, but God has me setting the reasons in order so that you can bust your groove out. I have included an example or rather sample of this in play, in this message, for encouragement and evidence that it works, and to let you know that I know, in Him, what I am talking about. I have a lifetime of fruit to this effect. I also have stats that prove, He did what He equipped me to do, in those seasons through me. I would say that we have honored people with the Nobel Peace prize who have not been as effective in their mission as I have been, in Him. I know, I know it’s not fair to compare, but I just want you to know without question that I am onto something, and if you really listen and learn from me, in Him, you will inevitably be more than a conqueror and grow to become and to daily operate as the best version of yourself with a kingdom mindset. Yes, you can listen to all of those who claim that they can help you and will do so for a fee. No, they won’t chat too much about the fee, but I ask you to ask them where is there fruit? What are the stats saying about their hollow promises. Without God they are indeed hollow. You cannot change without His help. Sin is the great success blocker and anyone who thinks that they have done it hasn’t looked down at their feet to see that they are simply on a treadmill and all of that running, all of that effort, and achievements, have gotten them no further than the length of the treadmill. 

Now I will tell you briefly some truths that I have experienced, not to discourage you but so that you know what I am talking about is not easy, as the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (Matt 26:41). Fear is the leading factor in most peoples lives, and boy how we can excuse it away. How many people should have started businesses but didn’t because of excuses. Excuses are rooted in fear. How many should have become singers, politicians, state employees, inventors, artists. Ha, I talked to an artist who was selling clothes, and I asked her why she was selling cloths if her hearts desire was to be an artist. She stated because her parents told her that there was no money in it and that she should become a dental assistant. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Another human destined to totally miss the whole reason that they were put on this spinning rock. And all because of the fear that they would become just another starving artist. And but if you are called to it you will not starve because God did not call you to starvation.