Deep Waters


Kenneth Shelton Season 15 Episode 19

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Ha, it’s not what you think. Well, that is if you thought that this was going to be about the upcoming elections. Nope, this is about the ELECTIONs as per what the bible states about the word.

This word “election” has been the topic of many good discussions, and worse decisions of course, as we have many denominational and non-denominational churches, which simply tells you, that we are not afraid to divorce ourselves to be right! Yes, the word election or belief of what it means has resulted in church divorces.

And but the question is why, if the bible states God hates divorce.

Mal 2:16 - “For the Lord God of Israel says That He hates divorce, For it covers one’s garment with violence,” Says the Lord of hosts. “Therefore take heed to your spirit, That you do not deal treacherously.”

Hey Podcast Preacher, this pertains to people not His church or bride. Really? I know that you have been taught that the reason we have so many churches is that God wanted us to have options. Ha. This is a lie and simply an effort for them to justify division. The book of Acts does not discuss church denominational options but only locations. Ok so what is behind this great divide Ken? 

Well, it all started back when the Catholic church got sideways and became possessed of the anti-christ spirit. Now I am not picking on those who go to that church today, because many do so, totally unaware of its history and but although, they should still know by its current behaviors, and if they, like the rest of us, do not obey God and get to know Him intimately, then they will encounter a goat judgement from Jesus whereby they will not make it into heaven, and that will be baaaadddd. Ha