Deep Waters

Is It Possible

Kenneth Shelton Season 15 Episode 26

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Ok so this is usually not the kind of testimony I would share, but being a teacher of the word, I must throw it out there just in case you think that something like this is in no way possible. Now I have heard of this type of stuff happening all of the time. Yup, it is also all of the internet as people mock God and then that thing happens. Of course for the person that thinks it is “karma” or “bad luck” or “coincidental” or even just “random” regardless of what thought they hide behind to avoid the possibility that God just responded and they don’t like the results of what they just encountered. 

In one of William Branhams messages he shares how an older man was against his whole ministry and often times would just moc the thing. However one day as he was meeting with William, he told him that God showed him that he had a heart condition. Oh he did not want to hear that. You see the ministry was doing what it always did which is why it was so successful. God read the mans mail, and he didn’t like it. Now on the flip side he could have been appreciative and gone to see the doctor to confirm it and to come up with a plan to remediate the situation. Yes of course he could have just asked William to pray for his healing, but he didn’t believe in that see so he was stuck.

A couple of weeks later, I might be off on the timeframe, but nevertheless he ended up at another one of Williams conferences because even though he didn’t believe his wife did. So as William is flowing in the anointing this man begins to mock William, and by the way when a minister is under the anointing you should be very careful what you say, as God is ever so present and will usually show Himself to be so. Williams was watching this man as he caught a vision of the man’s head going back and his eyes rolling to the back of his head, and sure enough this is exactly what happened. The audience panicked, but William reminded them of his training on reverence, but the mans wife was still panicking so William went down to see what was up.

He checked for the standard signs of life and declared the man dead. But now it never ends their when a minister is under the anointing of God. William prayed for the man that God would forgive him for acting so foolishly and his spirit returned right back in him. He has attended the conferences on the regular after this event.