Deep Waters

Calling Jesus On The Scene

Kenneth Shelton Season 15 Episode 29

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After three shorty messages, its time for another piece of pie in the sky revelation from William Branham. My next after this will be another one of my own. Yes, I am currently sharing my platform with a dead man who generated living messages that are so way alive today, that most people when they hear them still do not have a slot for all of the revelation that is contained within. I say this not to be some kind of spiritual bully, but I know how the devil works as we used to, just like you do today, invite him into our services. Ha, no such this is the church ever to house non-believers. It is the house of God that is for believer and those being saved to do the work of Jesus for each other and on each other. The non believer just brings in his or her demon friend who is simply looking for the ways to infiltrate the religious system and bring it to nothing. Oh no he will leave the building in tact as long as you want to continue to play church. You will not effect the kingdom of darkness without the Holy Spirit at all so continue to have your circuses and promise the world to those in whom will eventually discover that you yourself don’t even have the promise. Sorry, I just feel like there is so much pushback in the face of the truth. All of what I say can be found in the bible or I am just a big fat liar.  You can refer to my message titled, “The Voice Of The Sign by William Branham”, for more information on the why I am using his material in this short season.