Deep Waters

Dumb Smart Or Smart Dumb Equals Dumb Anyway

Kenneth Shelton Season 16 Episode 33

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95% of those who consider themselves smart have no idea just how dumb they are if they indeed reject God. I am not sure if this number isn’t really 100%, but I was trying to be kind. 

Now statements like this only come off offensive or hurtful if this is true in your life. As always, we must identify the problem before we move to solve it. And well but Jesus made telling the truth a very famous thing because it set some free and it offended others. Not everyone will be in a position to hear or want to hear the truth. It’s just the way it is. I have many messages on these things so I won’t go into them here. 

Now so but I was one of those who did not want to hear about God for 33-yrs of my life. And but look at me now. I can’t stop telling as many people as I can about how silly I every was to not consider Him, considering the alternative answers to getting into heaven, as the One and only God who legitimately had the only plan and is the only One who Himself paved the only road leading to Salvation with His own blood.

I was thinking about this the other day which is that every child ever born on this planet believes in God. Why so then or how do we end up not believing in Him? Ha, other people in whom we think are smarter than us, talk us out of such fantasies, or perhaps, one or the other parent was abusive and all into sin no matter what and so you went the same way of that wayward parent or parents. Did you know that in every generation we literally have millions of kids who follow their parents sinful lifestyles and leave their belief in God for the things of the world:

Ex 34:7 - keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.”