Deep Waters

The 365 Days A Year Christian Verses The 20-Minutes Per Week Christian

Kenneth Shelton Season 16 Episode 37

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What is the math on this? Hummm, Well, ok so if you are the one day a week church goer then there is a reasonable probability that you attend church 15-hrs and 40-min of church per year. Now I will not go into the types of messages that you can expect to hear or that you do hear, as most are evangelistic in nature and less about your growing into the fullness of Christ. And so for impact or comparison we should but need to compare the typical American, oh and wait, that 15-hrs only counts if you attend every Sunday, even through Football, baseball, basketball, hockey, bowling, and fishing season. Ok so the disciples of Jesus spend quite a bit of time with Jesus learning and doing Christianity. We can expect they were with Him always as He told them to follow Him when He called them to well…follow Him. Ha, no but really I didn’t know how else to say that (Matt 4:19). So, without any intention of exaggeration, let’s assume they were with Him solid for about 3-yrs:

Luke 3:23 – Now Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, the son of Heli,

Based on the number of Passover’s it is assumed that He ministered for about 3 to 3.5 years. We will use 3-yrs to you know to avoid any intention of exaggeration. I will start their days at 6:00am and let them go until about 11:00pm. Why because Jesus did many other things that are not written and included in the bible so we have to allot for time in order for the many other things right (John 20:30, 21:25)? We are also going to allow for 7-days a week of ministry because there were no unions at that time and, ha, no it is because He is Lord of the Sabbath and He did minister on the Sabbath as proven throughout the Word of God (Matt 12:8, 10, John 5:10).