Deep Waters

You Must Be Born Again by William Branham

Kenneth Shelton Season 16 Episode 38

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No I say, but he is dead, and but I am speaking from one of his sermons that is more than necessary even for our right now days. It has to be a God thing to know that after you die and go home to be with the Lord, that the messages that He has given you, live on past your time here on earth. I hope the same for my messages, but that privilege I leave up to the Lord. 

So today is going to be like a strong cup of coffee in that we are going to take the beans and grind them to a literal pulp, to a fine powder like flour, and then we are going to throw it into a pot of boiling water and leave it in there until all the coffeeness is boiled out of that fine powder. Then we're going to take it, put it in a cup, a tin cup is often good enough to help one enjoy this type of coffee, and we're then going to drink it, to which it will taste like silky water. 

But what I have just described is the Born-again experience, and like the bean that has to be completely and totally destroyed to extract its purpose, Jesus was the only one that could go through the process whereby salvation could be extracted. 

Is 52:13-14 - Behold, My Servant shall [b]deal prudently;
He shall be exalted and [c]extolled and be very high.
14 Just as many were astonished at you,
 So His visage[d] was marred more than any man,
And His form more than the sons of men;

But then in God's wisdom, his heart, his whole purpose for creating humanity, was that we could by choice, and the actions that we do which helps us to look exactly like his son Jesus Christ, it's like the drinking of silky water. And but this occurs only if you understand the value and privilege of being chased down by God Himself:

John 15:16 - 16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.