Deep Waters

We Will Rebuild With Hewn Stones

Kenneth Shelton Season 17 Episode 4

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How many times have we heard since about 911, it is actually scripture, well part of it, not that anyone who stated such things ever knew that it was scripture that they were quoting but nonetheless they said it in one form or fashion or another:

Is 9:10 - “The bricks have fallen down,
 But we will rebuild with hewn stones;
 The sycamores are cut down,
 But we will replace them with cedars.”

911, fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes’, economic disasters caused by the former administration, specifically the Palisades fire in SoCal. So what is up with this quoting a God curse? I just don’t get how we get backwards on things. Hummm, yes I do and that is the point of this message.

Jonathan Cahn has written some spectacular books on such things as these, and I would tell you which specific ones to get, but it would be more beneficial to you if you just got them all and read them.   

Talk about how dangerous this mindset is considering what God did to Israel when they said the same thing. What? Shouldn’t our great leaders know this Podcast Preacher? So what happened?