Deep Waters

Believe Versus Unbelief Verses Non-Applicable

Kenneth Shelton Season 17 Episode 7

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Ha, so I was working on a message titled, “The Four Enemies Of Peace”, and well I was working on that one because the message previous to it titled, “Baby Shark Dance”, was interrupted by it. Are you lost yet, ha, but so Baby Shark Dance did get posted, and well if all goes well if it just goes, I will have posted, “The Enemies Of Peace” before I post this one which popped into my head as I was once again left alone with my thoughts. And well you know when it rains my cup overflows, I have 400 unfinished messages to prove it. 

Now I don’t imagine that this will take that long to process because the point is fairly simple. And don’t see it as semantically semantical more than it is this, that, and sometimes the other. Let’s D-Com semantical and see what it means:

1.     in a way that relates to the different meanings of words or other signs or symbols:

Humans have developed languages that are semantically rich and can cope easily with philosophical concepts.

2.     in a way that deliberately takes advantage of the connotations or associations attached to certain words:

He deals with this bombing campaign semantically by saying it is “not a war” since there are “no hostile troops on the ground.”